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My Music Video

Monday, December 17, 2018

Post 8: My music video

Before constructing my own music video need to look at other videos to find out the codes and conventions:

  • I looked at memories by Maroon 5 as I was inspired by their use of an extreme close up which is something that I wish to include in my music video. Despite only using one shot throughout the video the director is able to keep the attention of the audience by continuously changing the angle of lighting.
  • Whilst looking at All of Me by john legend, I was given an insight into the conventions of a pop music video as this video both had a performance section and a narrative section. Similarly, the bits of narrative were broken into sections which had parts of the performance separating them. However, it was just as effective and it slotted in with the narrative well due to the feel of the video. This music video conforms to some conventions for instance, the narrative is based around a heterosexual couple and there is a theme of romance that continues through the video. However,  there are elements that subvert conventions of a pop music video for instance the music video has been graded specially so that the saturation is very low. This opposes the conventions of a pop music video as they often use bright colours but it suits the tone and feel of the music video. The performance section inspired me as it was not a stereotypical performance from a pop artist as here stays seated playing the piano instead of dancing. I believe this is mainly because they wanted to keep the majority of the focus on the song instead of dance moves, this also explains the lack of effects (as slow motion is only used) and the rather slow pace of editing adopted in this video. I like how there is a very clear story-line in this music video,  which is of the couple falling in love until they eventually get married.  
  • Another music video I looked at was Don`t Let Me Down by The Chainsmoker this music video follows more conventions of a pop music video it has many performance sections with choreographed dance routines which is typical of a pop video. In the video most of the performance consists of a girl who is the lead of a dance troop, she is dressed in all black and has an alternative look. The music video ends on a shot beauty shot of the same girl where she sings the lyrics "don`t let me down" therefore, this subverts stereotypes of people who may look slightly different as often it may be often be perceived as intimating however, in the music video she is portray a character who may be vulnerable.

I used my research as a starting point when planning my own music video:

The 1st thing I did was to create a spider diagram where I could right down some of the ideas I had thought of due to inspiration from research. The four main areas I was interested in where, making the video memorable, coming up with an idea, having some sort of connection to the lyrics and how I can do all of this while sticking to the brief.

I also create a shootboard from these ideas.

Then I made a timeline for my music video but after some constructive criticism from my classmates and teachers I made a new timeline. This version was more rough so that I would be comfortable in making changes if need by further down the line.

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